If you are interested in a particular sheep's fleece, please contact us to get on the list to purchase.


  • Border Leicester Cross

  • 2.9 lbs

  • $40

Winston’s fleece is is a soft brown/gray in color with a beautiful handle. He’s a longwool, but his fleece is on the fine side. We absolutely love working with his fleece (we’ve got some on our spinning wheel right now). It’s a great natural color as is, but would dye well to give awesome earthy tones.

Winston is our founding ram, and has produced many champions in the show ring. He consistently has amazing fleeces and is a total sweetheart!



  • Coopworth/Border Leicester Cross

  • 3.4 lbs

  • $55

Silver’s fleece is super unique. Not only is she part Coopworth (a rare heritage breed), but she is a fun ombre (isn’t that what they call it these days?) color. Her fleece varies from dark to light as you can see in the photos. This is sure to create a unique and beautiful product that is equal to the beauty of our Silver girl. This fleece has a long staple, and fine crimp that landed her second place in her class at the NC State Fair behind her half sister.

Coopworths were developed in New Zealand by crossing Romneys and Border Leicester sheep together. Today, the breed is on the Conservation list in the United States.



  • Southdown/Border Leicester Cross

  • 2.0 lbs

  • $35

Georgette is the most decorated sheep on our farm. She has won Grand Supreme Ewe, Supreme Fleece, and Reserve Supreme Ewe at the NC State Fair. Sadly, we lost our beautiful girl this year, so this will probably be the last fleece we decide to sell of hers. While she’s a natural color, her fleece is very light—almost a cream. It’s long in staple, has good crimp and has some sheen to it. She’s always been one of our favorite girls. If you purchase this fleece, we hope you treasure it as much as we treasured Georgette.


*All fleeces are unwashed, but have been skirted. Some VM may be in the fleeces, but limited amounts.